Dead Onions Rising
About half a year ago, I decided to turn off my old Gentoo instance and end my run with WordPress. My current cloud instance is running Ubuntu, and I’ve migrated (most of) my content from the old WordPress installation to Hugo.

Dead onions clawing their way back to life (art by Pär Olofsson for Svavelvinter).
However, moving from WordPress to Hugo meant that I no longer had any means of setting up a functional multisite configuration to serve content from both my clearnet site and hidden services.
Not wanting to maintain three separate sites, I decided to leave the hidden services down until I could find a way to fully automate the build and deployment process.
Thankfully, Hugo is way more flexible than I ever gave it credit for. In the end, I could simply cram everything I needed to automate the build and deployment process into a simple bash script. I didn’t even have to work with and manage multiple configuration files.
Anyhow, since it’s starting to look a lot like Christmas I thought I would offer a recommendation to any fellow metalhead reading this blog. Mörkrets Tid by Svavelvinter is an epic melodic death metal album deserving of a wider audience.
The guys behind the band are still trying to break even so please consider checking them out over at Bandcamp for some awesome Swedish metal.
As for the onions, you’ll find them with a simple DNS lookup:
dig -t TXT +short